Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Canadian Sorority Recruitment

It is that time of year again- school will be commencing in less than three weeks. In most Canadian universities, the first thing on most students' minds is not Greek life or what organization they are going to rush. This is because Greek life is not as popular in Canada as it is in the states; however, sororities and fraternities are out there and they are fantastic.
At my school there are 8-10 Greek Letter Organizations both local and international. These organizations do not participate in the kind of recruitment one might see in movies or on "Greek", they have their own way of doing things.

Recruitment in Canada usually takes place over 2-3 weeks and consists of going to various events (mixers, sisterhoods, philanthropy etc.) and getting to know the sisters- basically seeing if you can find a fit. From here different organizations have different ways of giving bids.
Joining a sorority was the best decision I have made so far in university. It gives you experience with volunteering for your community, planning events and the opportunity to work on selling yourself (something that is a must in your post-university life). 

Here I'll provide a few tips for how to make a great impression on the sororities you are rushing. Keep in mind that I only have experience rushing about different three sororities. Every organization is wonderful in their own way and has different standards for the girls they give bids too. Here we go: 
  • Go to as many events as you can possibly make. I'm not saying to skip your Thursday night class so you can attend a mixer with XYZ sorority, but go to as many events as your schedule allows. This will give the girls a better impression of who you are and how committed you are to their organization
  • Stay away from the boys. I know it may seem like a bonus that a lot of Canadian organizations' recruitment allows mixers with fraternities (hey, you may even meet a future boyfriend), but don't be fooled. The girls will be watching to make sure you aren't just in it for the boys... plus if you hook up with a frat guy while attending at mixer this is going to reflect poorly on the organization, not to mention the fact that you most likely won't be getting a bid. 
  • Be a class act. Try to be polished and put together when you attend events, this will reflect on how you present yourself and give a good first impression. Here are some items of clothing that would be appropriate for different events. 
Social Mixer

White Blouse

Wearing a skirt and a blouse would be cute and fancy enough for a social gathering. However, if you are going to wear something short make sure to keep it modest with your top. I would say the same rule does not apply for pants and a low top... keep the cleavage to a minimum or the girls (and guys) will get the wrong idea.

Boyfriend Cardigan
Michael Kors Shoulder Tote
 Your outfit for a sisterhood event will vary depending on the event. Keep in mind that you want to be comfy and durable. Some sisterhoods I have been to in the past include potlucks, movie nights, wii competitions... the list goes on. Just make sure you are modest and comfortable to move or sit for a long period of time. I have put a romper (obviously one of the most comfortable piece of clothing there is) and a boyfriend cardigan to cover the shoulders and arms. 

Tomorrow I will post what to wear to a philanthropy and athletic event. 

Happy Hump-day!

Sincerely Yours,

The Twenty Something

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